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Policy and Payment Information

  • There is a once annual non-refundable $35 per child or $70 per family registration fee which is due at time of enrollment at SOGA and once a year in the month of your original sign up date.

  • Other SOGA fees for team can be found in the handbook.

  • Auto-pay is available and you can also pay cash, check or card.

  • You are also able to pay through the parent portal link down at the bottom of the page.

  • Payments are due by the 1st of every month.

Recreational Classes

  • Enrollment for classes is on going through out the year

  • Payments due by the 1st of every month. If payment is not received by the 5th you are subject to a late fee and your card on file will be automatically charged

  • You may pay with cash, different card or check by the 5th of the month

  • We run on a 4 week schedule, so our months don't always start and end on the 1st and 30th or 31st

  • Holidays DO NOT always constitute a makeup and are NOT prorated

  • NO REFUNDS or CREDITS are given with the exception of extended illness or injury. Credit Adjustments remain on accounts indefinitely. NO CASH, CHECK, or CREDIT CARD refunds will be given.

Current Class Schedule

Our classes stay consistent throughout the year and do not change during the school year.  There may be some changes to the schedule during the summer months regarding class start times or classes offered. You can find our schedule in the link on our home page.

Make Ups

Children enrolled in all recreational classes (gymnastics and free running) are subject to 1 MAKE UP class PER MONTH, no matter how many classes were missed in that session.


NO REFUNDS or CREDITS are given with the exception of extended illness or injury. Credit Adjustments remain on accounts indefinitely.



  • If you plan on dropping we need WRITTEN notice via email or note prior to the month you plan on dropping. *We do not run on normal calendar months so make sure you are aware of when the billing cycle ends

  • If you drop after the start of the new month, you will be responsible to pay for the full month. And the fee will remain on your account indefinitely.


(NO CASH, CHECK or CREDIT CARD refunds will be given)


We do not run on normal school holidays so please check emails, social media and website for closures.


If there are any weather related closures we will update you via email, social media and website.

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